
Finding a point of connection is a great way to feel at home

Discipleship Groups
Age: ALL Ages

Whilst celebrating the greatness of our God corporately on a Sunday morning is a non-negotiable value for us, DGs are the perfect environment to build and pursue meaningful, brotherly relationships one to another, as well as developing intimate fellowship with our God together as a body. This is achieved by progressively pursuing the intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ through the study and further breaking down of the rich word that is cast on Sundays into smaller digestible pieces, from which
revelation of God becomes a reality no matter where the
person is. DG’s are therefore, the lifeblood of the church, the engine of the body that activates, generates and propagates the life of God in believers, propelling them to LOVE GOD GENUINELY and express this love through
Growing faith to obey Him,
Passionate service to Him by good works to the saints and world and,
The unwavering desire to bear fruit and please God in all circumstances

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Next Generation
Age: 2yrs - 12yrs

NextGen is CFAN’s children’s ministry, serving children aged 3 to 12 years. We believe that just as God is moving and directing the current generations He is also Developing and Equipping the Next Generation for His kingdom. We provide kid-friendly environments with dedicated facilitators that are God loving, truth seeking and Identity building. Find a NextGen at every CFAN site and be assured that your child(ren) will be cared for.

Our values
To build a Bible foundation in our kids
To give them the truth of the scripture
To encourage children to develop their own personal relationship with God.

Going and Growing for the Glory of Christ

J crew
Age: 13yrs - 22yrs

RADICAL FOR CHRIST (RFC) hopes to continue growing the work we have already begun and with the support of our parents rooting for us, and most of all, Jesus walking with us. We know that God is going to do so much more as we P.U.R.P.O.S.E. into the next season

P – Prepare your mind for action.

U – Understand and gain knowledge of God.

R – resolve to live for Jesus as a firm decision.

P – Partake of the activities God sets before the church.

O – Obey His word, it is better always.

S – Out – serve each other.

E – Expectation is key to believing God’s Promises for us.

Young Adults
Age: 23yrs - 35yrs

Young Adults aims to create a positive influence within the church and the community it operates in through spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ. We aspire to see Young Adults live for Jesus. We enjoy building community and fellowship as a way to reach out. We are an inclusive group that welcomes all Young Adults.

Women Ministry

Join us as we encourage and inspire each other to take possession of what the Lord has called and positioned each one of us and what he placed in our hands. We do this through – our daily walks, work spaces, interactions in life, and ministering to each other using the gifts given to each one through the Holy Spirit.

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